The first time I came across the idea of high frequency training was back in the mid 2000s, when I read an article by a guy called Chad Waterbury. Waterbury’s basic idea was that the more often you train a muscle, the faster it’ll grow. At the time, there wasn’t a great deal of research […]
PPL x Arnold Split Hybrid: 6-Day Workout Routine
This workout routine combines the Arnold Split with a PPL routine to create a PPL x Arnold Split hybrid. What is the PPL x Arnold Split? The PPL x Arnold Split is an advanced training split suitable for late intermediate and advanced lifters who want to gain muscle. Here’s what it looks like: You also […]
Did Arnold Schwarzenegger Have Rest Days?
Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of the most famous bodybuilders of all time. He inspired a lot of people to take up weight training, and there are always lots of questions about what he did to build his physique, whether he took rest days, how much cardio he did, how much rest he took between sets, […]
Metabolic Confusion: Why You Can’t Outsmart Your Metabolism
On another journey into the darkest recesses of the Internet, I came across something called the metabolic confusion diet. Fans of the diet claim that it confuses your metabolism, which keeps it running faster than normal. This in turn will lead to more calories being burned and more fat being lost. What is metabolic confusion […]
Do Deadlifts Increase Testosterone? Here’s the Science
You’ve probably come across the claim that certain exercises, the deadlift in particular, increase your testosterone levels, which in turn will lead to a faster rate of muscle growth. It would be great if it were true, but it isn’t. In fact, the size and duration of any post-workout increase in testosterone is too small […]
Deadlifts Explained: Back Exercise or Leg Exercise?
Do deadlifts work your back? Yes. As a compound lift, the deadlift works the muscles in your back and a lot more besides. However, this doesn’t necessarily mean that deadlifts should be done on back day. Nor does it mean that deadlifts can replace exercises like rows, pulldowns or pull-ups. Today, I want to explain […]