If you want to gain muscle, which routine works best? A bro split or a push/pull/legs (PPL) routine? For anyone who’s moved past the beginner stages of training, wants to put on some muscle, and can train 5-6 days a week, a PPL split is the one I’d go for. I’ll explain why in just […]
Can You Build Muscle Without Lots of Protein?
A lot of people think they need masses of protein in order to gain muscle. The figure that’s normally bandied about is one gram of protein per pound of body weight per day. That is, if you weigh 200 pounds, the amount of protein you should be eating each day is 200 grams. That’s a […]
Why Won’t My Legs Grow?
You’ve been training hard for several months, but your thighs don’t seem to be getting any bigger. You must be doing something wrong, you think to yourself, but you’re not quite sure what that something is. Today, I want to show you 10 reasons why your leg muscles aren’t growing as quickly as you’d like. […]
Arnold Split 6-Day Workout Plan: What Is It? Complete Guide
Of all the training programs I’ve used over the years, the Arnold Split is one of my favorites. It’s ideal for intermediate trainees who prefer shorter, more frequent workouts, as well as advanced lifters wanting to spur new growth. First thing I want to do is explain briefly what the Arnold Split is, and who […]
Is It Okay to Do Cardio After Leg Day? What Science Says
To a lot of people, doing a cardio workout the day after training your legs makes no sense at all. After a bout of heavy squatting, you may well find it difficult to walk down the stairs. The idea of getting on a treadmill to go for a run sounds completely outrageous. Training your legs, […]
Dumbbell Squat vs Barbell Squat: Differences, Pros, Cons
How do dumbbell squats compare to barbell squats when it comes to building muscle? Not very well. Both the dumbbell and barbell squat work many of the same muscles, most notably the quadriceps and glutes. However, the barbell back squat is by far the better option when it comes to stimulating growth in those muscles. […]