Some say that concurrent training is bad for muscle growth. If you want to build muscle as fast as humanly possible, endurance training should be kept to an absolute minimum. How much cardio, if any, should you do when you’re trying to build muscle? At what point does concurrent training start interfering with muscle growth? […]
How Long Does It Take To Lose Muscle Size and Strength?
How long does it take to lose muscle and strength when you stop working out? How much muscle mass can you expect to lose? And how long does it take to get that muscle back? To answer those questions, researchers from Baylor University rounded up a group of men, all of whom had been strength […]
Should I Train Shoulders On Push Day Or Pull Day?
If you’re following a push/pull/legs split, the stock answer is that you should train the front and side delts on push day, with the rear delts worked on pull day. However, depending on the exercises you do, it is possible to make a case for training the side delts on pull day. I’ll explain why […]
How to Lean Bulk Without Getting Fat: A Simple Guide
If you want to know how to lean bulk, so you can put on muscle while keeping fat gain down to a minimum, this page will show you how. What Does Bulking Mean? Bulking describes a training program and diet set up for the primary goal of building muscle and putting on weight. During a […]
10 Reasons Why You’re Not Gaining Muscle
Want to know why you’re not gaining muscle? You’re not alone. Maybe you’ve been training hard for several months, but you’re not seeing the gains you wanted. You must be doing something wrong, you think to yourself, but you’re not quite sure what that something is. Today, I want to show you 10 reasons why you’re not gaining muscle as quickly […]
Do You Lose Strength When Cutting?
Losing strength during a cut is common. But it’s not something affecting everyone to the same degree. While some people lose strength when cutting, others will end up getting stronger. Read on, and I’ll explain who is most at risk of losing strength when cutting, as well as outlining a few simple steps you can […]