Some say that working small muscle groups, such as the biceps and triceps, alongside larger muscle groups will make those muscles grow more quickly. You’ll often hear things like “to get big arms, you need to train your legs” or “deadlifts and squats make your whole body grow.” The idea is based on research showing […]
My Favourite Legs and Shoulders Workout Explained
Can you train shoulders and legs together? Are there any benefits to doing so? Here’s everything you need to know. Can I Do Legs and Shoulders on the Same Day? Yes, you can train legs and shoulders together. It wouldn’t be my first choice of muscle groups to work together, as I think there are […]
How to Get Thicker Thighs: Best 5 Exercises for Bigger Thighs
If you want to know exactly how to get thicker thighs, from the exercises to do in the gym to the type of food to eat, this page will show you what to do. Here’s what’s covered: How To Get Thicker Thighs To get bigger thighs, simply knowing what exercises to do isn’t enough. Your […]
Can You Workout Twice A Day To Gain Muscle?
Should you workout twice a day to gain muscle? Will doing so build muscle faster than training once a day? Or will it lead to a bad case of fitness burnout, leaving you tired and overtrained? Here’s a closer look at what the science has to say on the subject of two-a-day workouts and muscle […]
Did Arnold Schwarzenegger Do Cardio?
As one of the famous bodybuilders of all time, there are always lots of questions about how Arnold Schwarzenegger trained in his prime. Did he do cardio? How many hours a day did he train? What muscle groups did he train with what other muscle groups? Did Arnold Schwarzenegger Do Cardio? Arnold Schwarzenegger did cardio, […]
Hypertrophy vs Strength Training Explained: How to Train for Both
If you want to know the difference between hypertrophy and strength, as well as the best way to train for one or the other, this page will tell you everything you need to know. What’s the Difference Between Hypertrophy and Strength? The goal of training for hypertrophy is to increase muscle size, while the goal […]