“Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world’s first bionic man. Better than he was before. Better… stronger… faster.” And so began the opening credits to one of my favorite TV shows from the 1970’s – The Six Million Dollar Man. Yesterday, it was announced that […]
Why Do Male Gymnasts Have Such Big Arms?
You’ve seen pictures of gymnasts with huge arms. You’ve also heard that those arms were built without any direct arm work – curls, pressdowns and so on. Now you’re wondering if you should be doing the same thing. If you want bigger arms, is training like a gymnast the best way to do it? Why […]
What Foam Rolling Really Does to Your Muscles
To the man with a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. And to the annoying guy in the gym who’s just “discovered” foam rolling, and now feels compelled to offer you his unsolicited advice on the subject, every physical ailment is one that can be fixed with the help of a foam roller. Tight […]
Does Muscle Soreness Mean Muscle Growth?
It’s common for many people, especially when they’re just starting out, to feel sore for a day or two after training. Even Arnold Schwarzenegger was “feeling it” soon after finishing his first ever workout. “The guys warned me that I’d get sore,” he writes in Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder. “But it didn’t seem […]
How to Fix Bench Press Shoulder Pain
If you want to know what causes bench press shoulder pain, and how you can get rid of it, this page will show you what to do. First, I want to take a quick look at shoulder anatomy, so you can understand what’s causing the pain in the first place. Then, I’m going to show […]
A Closer Look at the Norwegian Frequency Project
Can training a muscle group six times a week work better than training that same muscle group three times a week? To most people, the idea sounds completely outrageous. Working a muscle group six days a week is just going to wreck your joints, beat up the CNS and leave you overtrained and burned out. […]