Muscle Evo is a proven training program for people who want to focus on gaining muscle while minimizing fat gain. It combines the latest muscle-building science with old-school training principles to get you lean, mean and strong.
Who is this program for?
Muscle Evo is for people who want to increase the size of their muscles, while staying lean at the same time. Having said that, I want to narrow things down a bit further so you know if this program is the right fit for you.
People looking to quickly add muscle. Muscle Evo is set up for the sole purpose of maximizing muscle growth. You have the option of lifting weights 2, 3 or 4 days a week, depending on your schedule and preferences. While cardio is strictly optional, the program does show you how to integrate cardio into your training week without putting the brakes on muscle growth.
People who want to gain muscle without putting on large amounts of fat. Muscle Evo will show how how to maximize your rate of muscle growth while minimizing the amount of fat that’s gained. You’ll still end up building the same amount of muscle as you would have done with a traditional “old school” bulk. But because you haven’t gained so much fat, you won’t need a long and tedious cutting cycle to get rid of it.
People who want a blend of both size and strength. Muscle Evo is designed to make you strong as well as increase the size of your muscles. It’s not going to maximize the speed at which you gain strength, so if you’re trying to boost your totals for a powerlifting contest, it’s not the program for you. But if you want to see gains in strength as well as size, Muscle Evo will do the job better than most.
People who want to move on from a 5×5 program. While most 5×5 programs work reasonably well, they can lead to what I call 5×5 burnout. Your joints are playing up, you’re having trouble adding weight to your lifts, and your physique doesn’t seem to have improved much at all. You’re bored doing the same exercises all the time, and your motivation to train has almost gone. If you can relate to any of this, Muscle Evo is for you.
Here’s what you get with Muscle Evo.
1. The Muscle Evo Manual
The Muscle Evo manual shows you exactly what to do in the gym, from exercises, sets and reps, all the way to how much rest to take between each set, as well as how hard to push yourself for maximum progress. There are links to video demonstrations of each exercise, exercise substitution options, as well as simple but effective instructions on how to set up your diet.
2. Printable Workout Logs
Training logs are invaluable way to monitor your progress. I consider them one of the single most important tools for getting the most from your workouts. The exact exercises, sets, and reps are all laid out for you, removing any confusion and guesswork.
3. Lifetime Updates
You’ll always have access to the latest version of Muscle Evo. So when I adjust the program to make it work better (which I often do, based on feedback from the people who use it), or if new scientific research emerges and my recommendations change, you get the new and improved version for free.
4. Email Support
If you need help with any aspect of the program, or there’s something you’re not quite sure about, I’m standing by to help. Just email me your questions and I’ll reply to you personally. There are no complicated “ticket” systems, nor has this been outsourced to someone pretending to be me. You just send me an email, it comes straight through to my personal inbox, and I answer it myself.
Is Muscle Evo right for you?
Muscle Evo is not for everyone. So before you hit the buy now button, please read the following very carefully.
1. Muscle Evo is designed for people who want to improve their body composition by losing fat, and replacing some of the lost fat with muscle. If all you care about is your weight on the scales, chances are you’re going to be disappointed with the results.
2. Muscle Evo will show you what to do, but you’re the one who will need to roll up your sleeves and get to work. There’s no dancing around the fact that getting in shape requires effort and self discipline.
3. I can’t make you any promises about how fast you’ll get in shape, because I’d be guessing. I don’t know anything about you, how long you’ve been training, what kind of shape you’re in right now, or what your genetics are like, all of which have a big impact on your rate of progress. All I can promise is that you won’t see any results at all if you’re not prepared to follow the instructions and work very hard.
To get started, click or tap the button below now.

60 Day Money Back Guarantee
If Muscle Evo isn’t what you’re looking for, then just let me know via email or Facebook and you’ll receive a full, prompt and courteous refund. No objections. No questions. No delays. I’ll even give you 60 days to make up your mind. So even if you decide to cancel on day 59, you can still walk away with all the knowledge you’ve gained and owe absolutely nothing.
Muscle Evo is a digital product. As soon as your payment is accepted, you will be transferred to a special page where you can download everything you need. This is a one-off payment, not a subscription, and there are no recurring payments of any kind.
You can download Muscle Evo from any country in the world. We have users from the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, South Africa, India, Singapore, New Zealand, and Spain. Our payment processor will automatically convert the currency for you.
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