MX4 was designed to help you build muscle as fast as humanly possible without wrecking your joints. It’s perfect if regular training programs seem to leave you with nagging aches and pains in your knees, shoulders, elbows or back.
- Training Goal: Muscle growth
- Workout Duration: 45-55 minutes
- Training Days Per Week: 3-4 days
- Program Length: 12-16 weeks
Who is this program for?
People who have some kind of joint ache or pain that stops them training the way they want to. It might be an old injury that keeps playing up, or simply age-related “wear and tear” that’s holding you back from making gains. While it’s not painful enough to keep you out of the gym, you don’t like the idea that you’re wrecking your joints and doing long-term damage.
People with a little twinge or niggle who don’t want it to become a full-blown injury. Maybe you’ve noticed the odd twinge or niggle in your shoulders, knees, elbows or back. The pain isn’t bad enough to stop you training, and you can push through it. But something doesn’t feel quite right, and you don’t want to risk that small niggle turning into something worse, and see months of hard work go down the pan.
People who are burned out or just bored doing the “big lifts” all the time, and want something different. Compound exercises, such as the squat, deadlift, and bench press, are a very efficient use of your training time, and work well for a lot of people. But some programs call for squatting and benching several times a week, which can get boring, as well as beating up your body. If you want to gain size without squatting, benching or deadlifting in every workout, MX4 is for you.
People who place a higher priority on size versus strength. In general, a bigger muscle is a stronger muscle, and one of the side effects of training for muscle growth is an increase in the amount of weight you can lift. However, maximizing the speed at which you gain size or strength will require different training methods. If your main goal is to make your muscles bigger, and you’re not too bothered about smashing your bench press or deadlift PR, MX4 is for you.
People who want a flexible program that doesn’t involve training on set days of the week. MX4 is ideal if you can’t train on the same day every week, or even if you can’t train the same number of days from one week to the next. As long as you’re able to set aside at least three days each week to train hard, MX4 will fit with your schedule.
Here’s what you get:
1. The MX4 Manual
The program is laid out in detail – exercises, sets, and reps. Everything is worked out for you, and there’s no faffing around deciding what to do when you get to the gym.
2. Printable Training Logs
A training log is one of the single most important tools for getting the most from your workouts. The training logs are quick and easy to fill in, and will show you at a glance if the amount of training you’re doing is too much, too little or about right.
3. Email Support
If you need help with any aspect of the program, just email me your questions and I’ll reply to you personally. There are no limits on the number of questions you can ask, nor has this been outsourced to someone pretending to be me. You send me an email, it comes straight through to my personal inbox, and I answer it myself.
Is MX4 right for you?
Before you decide to jump on board, I should make it clear that MX4 is not for everyone.
1. MX4 is a training program designed for the sole purpose of building muscle. There’s no nutrition or supplement component to it, and you’ll need to handle the diet side of things yourself.
2. The MX4 manual is a relatively short read. Most of it centers on how to actually DO the program. If you want to read about the mechanisms of muscle hypertrophy, muscle fiber types and so on, MX4 is not for you.
3. MX4 is not for beginners, or anyone whose main goal is to get strong in the squat, bench press or deadlift. There’s no reason why you can’t use these exercises if you want to (the program gives you the freedom to choose your exercises and shape it to your individual requirements), but they’re not essential for muscle growth.
4. The workouts laid out in the manual assume that you have access to a gym. But there’s no reason why you can’t switch out some of the exercises and choose different ones (which I can help you with via email), and the program can be done with a bench and adjustable dumbbells.
5. MX4 is not a “fashionable” workout. There are no box jumps, medicine ball slams, or battling rope exercises. You’re not required to rush from one exercise to the next, and the aim of the program is to stimulate your muscles while sparing your joints, rather than leave you wanting to collapse in an exhausted pile on the floor.
But, maybe you don’t care if it’s fashionable or not.
Maybe all you want is a science-based training program that will give you more muscle than you have right now without beating up your joints.
If so, just click or tap the button below to get started.

60 Day Money Back Guarantee
If it turns out that MX4 isn’t what you’re looking for, then just send me a short message saying “cancel” via email or Facebook and you’ll receive a full, prompt and courteous refund. No objections. No questions. No delays.
MX4 is a digital product. As soon as your payment is accepted, you will be transferred to a special page where you can download everything you need. This is a one-off payment, not a subscription, and there are no recurring payments of any kind.
You can download MX4 from any country in the world. We have users from the US, the UK, Australia, Canada, South Africa, India, Singapore, New Zealand, and Spain. Our payment processor will automatically convert the currency for you.
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