You want to be in better shape than you are right now. And you want to do so as fast as humanly possible, with no wasted time or effort. How long is it going to take… really? How Fast Can You Get in Shape? This is a tough question to answer, as the length of […]
What is Functional Strength Training? Popular Myths Debunked
For reasons I have yet to fully understand, it has come to pass that certain types of exercise or pieces of equipment are now classed as “functional” while others are not. According to a leaflet that was thrust into my hot little hands the other day, a new gym that’s just opened in my area […]
Do Ice Baths Reduce Muscle Growth?
Is it a good idea to immerse yourself in a tub of cold water after a workout? That’s a question that popped up in my inbox the other day. Here’s what it said: “One thing I’ve tried to find more about is cold water immersion after training and whether it’s actually beneficial or not. I […]
To The Busy Man with No Time to Exercise
You are busy. Stressed. Under pressure. You’d like to go to the gym more often, but with everything that’s going on you just don’t have the time. Obviously, I can’t wave a magic time wand and add an extra day to your week. But what I do have is something that – if you implement […]
Higher Reps for Mass: Why High Reps Build Muscle
If you want to build muscle mass, should you be training with heavy weights and low reps? Or will lighter sets and higher reps do a better job? To answer that question, a team of US researchers set up a very simple experiment [1]. They took a group of guys who’d been lifting weights for […]
Building Muscle After 40: What the Science Says
If you want to know how to build muscle after 40, but you’re not sure what (if anything) you should be doing differently, this page will show you how. Read a few mainstream articles on the subject of building muscle after 40, and you’d be forgiven for thinking that hitting 40 means immediately trading in […]