Some say that any time you eat sugar, you are “flipping a switch” that tells your body to store fat. Diet books tell you to avoid it at all costs. Newspaper headlines claim that it’s “more addictive” than cocaine. But is sugar really as bad as everyone says it is? Can you eat sugar and […]
A Closer Look at the Norwegian Frequency Project
Can training a muscle group six times a week work better than training that same muscle group three times a week? To most people, the idea sounds completely outrageous. Working a muscle group six days a week is just going to wreck your joints, beat up the CNS and leave you overtrained and burned out. […]
Should You Eat Carbs and Fat Together?
Many people believe that in order to maximize fat loss, you should avoid eating fat and carbohydrate in the same meal. Protein and fat is fine. So is protein and carbohydrate. But if you eat fat while insulin levels are elevated from the carbohydrate, your fat cells are going to fill up faster than Samson […]
How Many Meals A Day Should I Eat To Gain Muscle
For years, we’ve been told that eating every 2-3 hours is the best way to build muscle and gain weight. However, there are claims that eating too frequently could actually impair gains in muscle mass. The idea is that eating too often has the potential to slow muscle growth by “desensitizing” muscle tissue to further […]
Core Conditioning: How to Build a Core of Steel
If you want to improve your core conditioning, but you’re not quite sure how to go about it, this page will show you how. You’ve read a lot about how important it is to have a strong core. But you’ve come across plenty of different opinions about the best way to get one. Some say […]
Are BCAAs Worth It? No. Here’s Why
If you want more muscle than you have right now, branched-chain amino acids are quite possibly the most valuable supplement in the entire known universe. Take them before and after a workout, as well as between meals, and your muscles will grow larger at a rate faster than you ever thought possible. That’s the theory, […]
How Often Should You Train Each Muscle Group?
Some say that for best results, you should work each muscle group as often as three times per week. Others will tell you that training a muscle group more than once a week constitutes overtraining. If you want to build muscle and get strong, which approach works best? There’s no universally “correct” training frequency that […]
Intermittent Fasting and Muscle Loss: Does it Burn Muscle?
Today, a question from one Muscle Evo reader on the subject of intermittent fasting and muscle loss. “I’m lifting weights three times a week,” he wrote. “Can I have a 24-hour fast twice a week? Or will I lose muscle because of this?” Unless you’ve recently arrived from a parallel universe, there’s a good chance […]
How to Lose Fat Without Losing Muscle: 3 Simple Rules
All the best advice on how to lose fat without losing muscle is stuff you probably know already. It’s not particularly exciting or new. It’s not going to transform your body overnight. In fact, some would say it’s pretty obvious, and they’re probably right. “That’s all old news,” they think to themselves. “Tell me something […]
Does Calcium Pyruvate Work For Weight Loss? What 12 Studies Say
You’ve heard many great and amazing things about calcium pyruvate. How it’s going to help you lose weight, boost your energy levels and even burn fat in your thighs. Does calcium pyruvate really work? Or is it just another in the long line of supplements to promise more than it delivers? What is Pyruvate? Your […]