The latest version of the Bugatti Veyron — the Super Sport — is the fastest production car in the world, with a top speed of 268mph. I’m going to use the Veyron to illustrate an important point about why getting your body fat percentage into single digits (the minimum requirement for “ripped” status) is going […]
Is Swimming Good for Weight Loss?
Swimming uses almost all of your major muscle groups. It places a vigorous demand on your heart and lungs. And when you swim breastroke or backstroke, you’re burning about the same number of calories as a fast walk or a slow jog. But for some reason, swimming does have a reputation for being less effective […]
Body Pump: The “World’s Fastest Way” To Get In Shape?
Designed to “tone and condition muscles while raising metabolic rate for rapid fat-burning,” Body Pump is supposed to be proven to be “the world’s fastest way to get in shape.” For this claim to be true, it would need to burn more calories than other forms of exercise, as well as helping you gain more […]
What to Eat For Breakfast
One question I get asked a lot centers on the subject of what to eat for breakfast. Personally, I rarely eat breakfast, and haven’t done so for many years. Despite the protests of the breakfast police, I’ve managed to survive without my metabolism shutting down, surrendering my hard-earned muscle, or losing the ability to concentrate […]
Does Building Muscle Burn Fat? Here’s the Science
The case for building muscle to burn fat appears to be a simple one. When you build lean muscle mass, the additional muscle requires additional energy to maintain it. In turn, this raises your basal metabolic rate, or the number of calories your body burns while at rest. Paired with a good diet, this increased […]
Can You Build Muscle in a Calorie Deficit?
Can you build muscle in a calorie deficit? If so, what’s the best way to go about doing so? Here’s everything you need to know. Can You Build Muscle in a Calorie Deficit? Yes, it is possible to gain muscle in a calorie deficit. Not everyone can do it, and not everyone can do it […]
How Many Calories Should I Eat to Gain Muscle?
If you’re trying to build muscle, but you’re not quite sure how many calories you should be eating, then give me a few minutes and I’ll explain more about it in this article. If you want a short and simple answer to the question, aim for somewhere between 250 and 500 calories per day over […]
The Best Muscle Building Exercise… Ever
Despite what you might have been told, the best muscle building exercise is NOT the squat. It’s not the deadlift, the overhead press or the bench press either. This exercise requires very little physical effort. Unlike the squat or deadlift, this one won’t even leave you out of breath. Yet it’s one of the most valuable […]
The Gym Where Muscles Grow 4-6 Times Faster Than Normal
If you train in a gym where the oxygen concentration has been lowered to 16%, your muscles will grow 4-6 times faster than normal. Those are the intriguing findings from a group of Japanese researchers, which I came across just the other day [1]. I’ll explain more about the study, how muscles grow and what […]
Will Anator-p70 Help You Build Muscle?
According to the ads, Anator-p70 will “forever change the way in which you can build muscle.” It claims to be the “most exciting development in the science of muscle growth ever recorded in history.” Anator-p70 is supposed to “force your muscle building genes into the ‘on’ position by activating the key signaling cascade mTOR, PKB, […]